Launching soon!

The onboarding experience your new hires deserve

Lightweight and effective onboarding that's on brand and personalized for each new hire

Good bye welcome packet, hello awesomeness

Stress free onboarding with everything a new hire needs to get started

First impressions count

Employee retention is critical in todays work environment.

WOW factor

Impress your new hires from day one and show them you care.

Stop wasting time

Start onboarding in minutes with our pre-built templates, then customize them to make them your own

“A strong onboarding process improves new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%”

- Brandon Hall Group -

Your brand + your culture

Starter Guide can be made to look and feel like your brand. Customize with your own colors, logos, and images

Show your culture and build trust

Starter Guide helps communicate your culture and demonstrate your brand

Perfect for remote workers

Our tools make it easy to know who's who and what's what


We give your new hires a head start

Gets new hires up to speed faster by providing the info they need in an intuitive way.

Onboarding checklist

New hires immediately have an onboarding To-Do list to combat first day thumb twiddling. Automatic reminders help prioritize the important stuff.

Personalized resource list

New hires get a list of personalized resources to help them onboard as fast as possible.

Onboarding buddy

Connect your new hire to an existing employee to help them feel at home from day one

Manager onboarding guide

We guide each manager through their new hires onboarding experience and help let them know what to do and when.


Use or customize our templates built with best practices in mind to quickly get up and running.

Automated reports

Easily configure reporting to see where new hires are on their onboarding journey.

Everyone benefits

Great for teams, small companies, or organizations

New hire

New hires now have one place to go for everything they need to get up and running. Starter Guide walks them through onboarding and provides a launchpad to all your organizations applications and processes.


Starter Guide takes the burden of a good onboarding experience off your manager. Instead managers are also guided through their new hires onboarding and receive notifications and reports along the way.


Starter Guide unifies onboarding across your organization leaving you with the confidence that everyone has the same awesome onboarding. You now have one place to update your onboarding

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